

Blueprint Scanning: Enhancing Efficiency in Municipalities

Scanning houses and buildings’ drawings and blueprints can significantly benefit municipalities in several ways. Blueprint scanning helps municipalities efficiently manage building plans and streamline their operations. It reduces storage space and improves access to essential documents. Blueprint scanning enhances accuracy and speed in document retrieval. Digital records from blueprint scanning also support better planning and development decisions. Moreover, blueprint scanning ensures the preservation of valuable historical building plans.

Improved Efficiency and Collaboration

By digitizing and storing blueprints in a centralized location, municipalities can easily access and retrieve documents. This streamlines processes and reduces the need for physical storage space. Digital files can be shared and updated easily, allowing for seamless collaboration among architects, engineers, and construction professionals.

Geolocation Metadata Blueprint Scanning

Municipalities Blueprint Scanning will benefit from adding Geo-location

ABTec Solutions offers not only the widest range of Large-format Scanners, but also, a complete Cloud based or On-Premise Digital Library software solution to host unlimited number of drawings and blueprints, allowing users to experience in an interactive and intuitive viewing, browsing, searching, cataloging and sharing digitized content, thus empowering municipalities and government agencies to utilize and re-use their content more effectively. By adding Geolocation Metadata, you can enrich drawings and blueprints collection and create the basis for Geolocation Search capabilities on interactive maps.




Enhanced Security and Storage

Physically storing old blueprints and architectural drawings can be challenging due to their unique characteristics with many risks associated in their physical storage such as fragility and susceptibility to damage over time from humidity and exposure to light. Also, risk to originals if it is the only copy from fire, flood, theft, or other hazards.

Security Digital Library Blueprint Scanning

Municipalities Blueprint Scanning will benefit from Security and authentication

Digital plans are less susceptible to damage or loss compared to physical copies, and they can be securely backed up and stored. Our Digital Library software solution is a Cloud based solution offering secure, private or public access ecosystems. MediaINFO Digital Library software uses system repository for saving any source original and optimised JPEG2000 files, this repository can optionally be of encrypted filesystem type. No user has direct access to storage at any time. Only system Administrator with direct access to Storage can access files! The system has many Access Rights levels and Authentications types.




Increased Accuracy and Precision

Digitization allows for high-resolution scans that provide greater detail, leading to better decision-making and project outcomes.

WideTEK Scanners for Blueprint Scanning

WideTEK Large-Format Scanners for Blueprint Scanning for Municipalities and other Governmental agencies

Through re-engineering and utilizing the most advanced CIS modules; our WideTEK range of Wide-Format scanners offers cutting edge camera technology, a dust-protected, fully sealed camera box, that delivers a scanner resolution of up to 1200 dpi optical. Not to forget the Gentle Scanning of Historical and Fragile Documents by utilizing special transport rollers that serve as pressure points ensuring safe document transport. WideTEK Wide-Format scanners are by far truly the fastest color CIS scanner on the market, producing production quality images at 8 inches per second for 150 dpi in full color.



For municipalities, Blueprint Scanning means streamlined processes, reduced storage costs, and better access to critical information for planning and development activities. Additionally, digital records enhance disaster recovery capabilities. Easily replicate and preserve them. Digitize these documents to support a more efficient and resilient urban infrastructure management system. Transition to a more secure and efficient way of accessing, sharing, and managing paper documents of any size and format. Architectural Drawings Scanning improves collaboration among departments, ensures quicker response times, and minimizes the risk of losing important documents. This technology also aids in compliance with regulatory requirements by providing accurate and accessible records.

Contact ABTec Solutions today on Toll Free 1 (825) 419-3040 or reach out and fill the form and we will contact you as soon as possible.